My friend, there is always a question… "How did it begin?". But let me write my opinion about your thoughts.
In fact, once I thought as you, but one day I read about "the bridge Einstein-Rosen". Do you know about it? Do you know about white holes? They exist! Let place things to their position (if they have one).
A theory says that mass absorbed by a black hole travels through a four dimensional bridge(!), the bridge Einstein - Rosen, and maybe ends up to a new, but separate, universe that exists at the same time with ours, even we can`t see it.
But this trip of mass through the bridge Einstein - Rosen isn`t simple, as it must be done with the speed of light, fact that is counted out of "relativity theory" (in our observable universe).
In this hypothetic universe - many speculators believe- time and space, as human`s logic awares, stop exist. In this new space a fantastic traveller can come again to our universe, as many times he wants, in the future or in past.
And the most odd is that all those mass that was absorbed from our black hole can return back to our universe through a lieu in diameter singularity of the new universe - that singularity scientists call "white hole"- in a different place and time than those it dissapeared from!
A White Hole in our universe is something that explodes mass… from… nothing!
White holes are something like Big Bang, but aren`t the exploding Black Holes. That`s what scientists say.
The truth maybe is far away, but we keep thinking, aren`t we?
A friend from Greece… with the nick Deimos!
An -always - amateur!
P.S.: I imagine… I speculate… I wish I could prove!