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Dimension Barriers

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Posted by on August 24, 2000 08:07:12 UTC

This is a continuation of my former theory, in this post i will try my best to explain my theory a little better than before.

Imagine, if you will two horizontal lines on a piece of paper one reprisents our 3rd dimension and the other is the 4th dimension, the gap in between is what i call the interlayer.

This interlayer ,i believe, not only protects us from other dimension but my inadvertently determine the size of a black hole, wormhole, or nebulae as i will talk about now.

Imagine, again, that you have a rectangular piece of elastic. then, put your fist through, eventually the kenetic energy of your fist will break through the elastic. It is a simple analogy but apt to this theory. This is how black holes i believe are formed pretty much from the most basic equation in physics K.E=1/2mv^2

Now imagine that you have broken through the elastic piece and encouter a substance, for example jelly(simply) This layer is harder still to get through but if you have enough intial energy then you will reach the end which in my theory is the next dimension.

I must point out that not all black holes reach there destination, I realise that im using alot of analogy but its the simpliest way of me conveying my hypothesis. Now that you have broken through the elastic and are in the jelly, imagine that anti-particles are created in order to dispatch any intrusion into the interlayer(i.e. Anti-matter),so if the B.H`s kenetic energy is to low then it will stop and "retreat" back into 3 dimensional space, in a process i call stabilization.

This leads onto to my final topic for the moment. How are nebulae formed. Now using my former theory on the stabilization of black holes i will try and explain the formation of nebulae.

Imagine that a black hole has just formed in 3 dimensional space and is traveling through the interlayer but hasn`t got enough energy to penetrate the interlayer, it starts to retreat back to 3 dimensional space. The interlayer much like an immune system tries to expell the foreign object back, this retreat causes the event horizon to"shrink" and so when to event horizon is infintesmely small this emense pressure causes an implosive/explosive effect that breaks the interlayer and returns the black hole to its original form, a nebulae

In my next post i hope to talk about my theories on wormholes and why the speed of light is so fast, just to point out my theory on light is only a new one so it may not be all clear when i explain it

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