Interesting theory. I am not very sure some aspects of your theory, but hopefully you will be able to elaborate a bit more.
Black holes are very unique. Namely there must be a critical radius for black holes to form. Or as you said a certain mass. Now lets say that such a star does exist and its internal energy is being dissipated, so that the forces are not balanced. After sometime, the gravitational force will be stronger then the nuclear force, causing a collapse and warpage of space inward. Predicted by General Relativity, massive amounts of gravitational waves will be sent out at the speed of light!
Now lets say we were to examine the black holes dimensional effects. This would pose many problems.
To really measure the extent of dimensional/warpage change, the swarzchild critical radius must be reached, and at times past this radius does occur. Now for an observer to stand outside the black hole and watch, it will take an infinite amount of time for the black hole to reach its critical radius, let alone 3 gravitational radi. However using the theory of relative intervals, a oberver falling into the black hole will reach the critical radius in a finite time. What this means that the finte time equals the infinite time!
Measuring the warpage close to the black hole is very hard. You must of heard of tidal gravity. We are not talking about simple residual effects, but much larger tidal effects. For instance, lets say you were near the black hole, that is your feet further within it then your upper body. The ammount of force on your feet in comparision to your upper body is drastic. This causes a compression inward, and a strech outward. Essentially you will be streched to infinity and compressed inwards.
Now what is the best solution?
Well, the best way to view dimensional warpage is to adopt celestial mechanics. However not the Newtonian method, but Einstein`s method. By watching the motion of the planets around the black hole, this will give you some evidence in how strong the gravitational force is. From there field equations can be used to indentify curvature and warpage, directly leading to dimensional links!