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Re: Shape Of A Spining Singularity ( On 2+ Axis)

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Posted by Michael Moosman/">Michael Moosman on September 9, 1998 20:31:11 UTC

: i know if the singularity isn't spining it looks alot like a point infentely small and such and if its spining as most stars galaxies do before they collapse they become more like a fisbee ( i also think that they look alot like those " acme holes" that they use in cartoons) how ever it looks it is 2d flat along on axis

: what happens if the singularity is spining on more than one axis ( like the fisbee but lets say its also going end over end would it look more llike a line or a elipse ?

: and i had a second thought/question what would happen if a black hole merged with a black hole that was spining in an opposet direction sort of like a matter antimatter colision would it just: : A) stop and form a black hole with no spin( provided that they were both spining at the same rate) : B)anilate each other : C) allow all the matter that was at one far end of the event horizen to be set free as the black hole became a no spin point singularity ? : please write with you ideas.

I think A. I don't like B because anilation really doesn't exist. Conversion to matter does, like when anti-particals hit, but not anilation. And I can't see how a black how would convert into energy, because I kind'a consider it energy to begin with. Not C because I don't see how the escape velocity could become great enough. Now the spinning thing. if you spin a ball and then make it spin in a different axis, all that would happen in the first 2d spin plane would change angle, but it would still have a 2d spin plane

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