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Re: Questions

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Posted by Paul Pergiel/">Paul Pergiel on June 5, 1998 12:18:09 UTC

Time is the expansion of one dimension into the next. Time is a result of a expanding universe. : : : : : : : : : The real fourth dimension is TIME. There are a number of other theoretical dimensions in quantum mechanicvs, but I sopmehow don't think that these are the ones to which you refer (nor am I at all certain that they have numbers assigned...).

: : : : : : : : Time is nothing more than a tool used in measuring the rate at which the universe moles,lbs, and g. Nothing more than a measuring cup, not a demension.

: : : : : : : Chris, you should check on that. Remember, dimensions do not necessarily have to be spatial, they can also be temporal. Time is definitely a dimension -- which one it is may be up for debate, but it is a dimension nonetheless.

: : : : : : I have a few questions for anyone who cares to answer:

: : : : : : 1. Why do you think that time is anything more than a concept?

: : : : : : 2. What exactly is the definition of a dimension (a good explanation)?

: : : : : : 3. Why do people think that there are "dimensions" anyway?

: : : : : i love your questions and i want to know too : : : : : so that way we can be on the same foot for a definition!!

: : : : Thanks, I think that a lot of the misunderstandings and disagreements that occur, happen because there are so many different definitions for things which can really lead to confusion.

: : : I believe one can consider the notion of dimension in the mathematical sense:

: : : An independent variable that cannot be broken down into smaller, independent variables.

: : Well OK..This model that I will share is proprietary to me, so please ask me : : before disseminating it in your name (or else). The fourth dimension is time. It is only through time : : that any of the other three dimensions actually exist. Think of the fourth dimension as : : a glue for the other three, yet it is quite more complex than just being "glue". : : if you would like to discuss more, please e-mail me. The model is this:

: : One dimensionality exists because of linear motion, which depends on time. : : Without time, there is no motion. Rotating this first dimension makes for the : : second dimension. This rotation does not exist without time. Now, rotating the plane : : of the second dimension makes for the sphere of the third dimension. This rotation also takes : : time, of course. As you can see, time is common to all three dimensions; necessary : : in fact.

: It is true that time is common to all three dimensions but it is only a tool used by humans and invented by humans. Motion is a real part of nature that we could not invent. We say that motion depends on time but humans depend on time to explain motion, in other words time is another concept invented by humans to explain what we could not invent. As for time being the fourth dimension, remember that we are discussing "spatial" dimensions. A point is independent of time, a line is independent of time, any figure in the real world is independent of time. Dimensions are tools also but they are an entirely different concept than time.

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