There's a quasi-'new', socio-political pseudoscientific code 'all over the net':
'Copys well', as Yanuri points out in two words - 'So what?' - from dictionarys to encyclopedias...
From Leopold Infeld to Lord Kelvin & Clausius - proclamations and porously clever clews that Einstein didn't author the Special or General theories of relativity, and the author of the first and only non mathematical translation of Einsteins Special & General Relativity and the first and reinstatement of Einstein's presently abandoned Unified Field.
Bkparque - and a psychology professor from a major New England University: Having learned this (spelling, grammar corrections, and guest list hit counts?) from a reliable source - the real author!
(Whose name and book title remains classified? The post graduate student essays of which cannot be released due to new privacy laws?)
Brian - 'Chaos castigator' - Parquette. The most original source of 2nd hand information on the net.
Still systemically struggling to return to the internal security of the can of ('Don't Open This') whoopass he and all of his new found, tightly bonded, internet incarcerated and archived system busters are only beginning to learn is their own system.
Presently having downloaded to - and been archived throughout - the WWW as an appearing, disappearing, reappearing; re-disappearing and summarily unretractable documentary of the undeniably powerful social dynamic, subjectively placing subjective equivocations, mud slinging and prodigious profanity, over scientific fact.
P.S. 'Cache' means not only that it came off your own computer storage, but also - especially in your exemplary case - that your computer storage was accumulated from somewhere and authored by someone else.
Sort of like the English language - how it wouldn't exist if the Arabs hadn't invented it...
An inspiration for a group of hysteria fixated persons who gamely re-prove the very anathematic realities they vociferously deny. (Molly Keyboard MacColley thanks you, with much more where that came from and plenty to go around. Kowing, of all the things you've misplaced or otherwise lost track of, you and yours miss yore minds the most...)
Patiently looking forward to your next bag of imortally history making accomplices, and self sacking t'ricks. Kaidu Orkhon, The White Mongol. Proud to have a ninth grade formal education, capped with a USAFI (United States Armed Forces Institute High School and 2 years of college, correspondence course acquired - not G.E.D. - education). Whereas, social status, money and politics may or not have anything to do with content: you either make your point, or fail to do so.
It's no longer my obligation to prove that gravity is the 4th dimension, electricity the 5th and magnetism the 6th.
Whereas, those statements have never been disqualified. ('Dismissed out of hand by the scientific community', is the way Steven A. Gdula recently put it. Placing the Gravity Research Foundation and the L.A. Free Press's HALF VAST VIEW OF GRAVITY, ahead of the veracious evolution of physics. Proclaiming scientific work to be political, and conversely, doesn't make it so.
KBR having carefully made no claim of being a 'professional' or an 'expert', as any number of his EUREKA vacuum cleaning salesmen have hypersecretionally elected to label him as labeling himself; while relying on the professionals and experts to authenticate his *amateur - *he or she who loves - discoveries; now including you and yours. Fame. Causing people to remember - while mucking their stalls with - your nightmare foddering, laboratory galloping and lavoratory trotting name. )
You - and your recently gathered and swiftly accumulating acolytes will soon find your hacking genius on the cool sited side of two and more firewalls. 'It's a real cool site, you'll be enchanted to unreeachably check out...
That posted 'threat to kill you all', embellished with a salting of 'buzzwords' used by KBR and then signed by CrazyHorse was a pure stroke of infallibly tactical genius.
Surely no one will ever suspect that anyone but the ROFACO assigned target is responsible for it.
(Yes. They're so good they can make that IP trace back to anwhere they want it to have 'originated' from; whereas , what you and your inimitable team of hackers are about to learn is: it can also be traced, where the hackers who created that illusion, created it from).
Congratulations on your latest absolute proof that the rofaco not only exists and lives on, but specifically consists of people just exactly like yourself personally and the one's (who deluged you with email the moment you posted KBR's work on the internet) who made everything so clear on the extinctified - yet immortalized websites.
Proving once again, that the only social, political or scientific case - or extended neck - you'll ever break, is your own.
(Ciao for now, to your collectively polished plow.)
Who chooses to make the next mistake? Who's gonna ride the big chrome three wheeler on down to FIRE LAKE?
(There's always room for one more individual, group, platoon, regiment, battalion, division, army, or planet. The universe begat the galaxy, begat the solar system, begat the sun, begat the earth, begat the grass, flowers, insects, mammals - including horses and humans, begat Nomads, Civilization & War. ) |