I guess I did not answer your question of the relationship between DK matter and energy and Normal" plain ole Matter & Energy.
The key difference is that Dark matter is dark because it does not shine like stars do. Therefore astronomers cannot see it directly.
Now if the Dark Matter is primarily composed of axions, boson particles with barely any mass, then dark matter is different from ordinary matter in that it behaves like superfluids or superconductors do at nearly absolute zero. It is because of the extremely small mass that axions behave that way at almost any temperture.
I have used the possibility that dark matter is axionic to suggest a model of consciousness. If you want to read my paper "A Dark Matter Madel of Consciousnes", please contact me at yanniru@netscape.net and I will reply with the paper attached in a word doc.
Oh. Dark energy is thought by most scientists to be a property of space just like Einstein's cosmological constant. Here my model differs in postulating a new kind of charge that exists on each axion that may account for the force of expansion. So the force of expansion comes from the Dark Matter and not space in my model.
Whether this is true should be testable in cosmology simulation computer programs that predict (rather postdict) the creation of galactic clusters and voids. Since like charges attract, that would enhance the formation of galaxies ending with plus or minus charged galaxies which tend exert a cosmic repulsion force on each other because unlike charges repel. At last notice the people who run these simulations were wondering how galaxies formed so quickly after the big bang.
And that is why this science is appropriate for the big bang forum |