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Adam And Eve Had Sons And Daughters

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Posted by Eric Clark on September 30, 2003 18:35:51 UTC

I don’t mind anyone jumping in, I just pray I’ll have time to talk to everyone.
We are all rude at times, though I don’t consider you to be rude in your post.
It is not wrong to have questions about God and His universe.
I pray my rudeness will never stop you from asking and searching.
You don’t come across as overly aggressive to me and I pray you will understand that I am not talking about religious symbolism, but a personal relationship.
I'm not what most would consider religious either, unless sharing knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ is considered to be a religion.
Religion is the greatest misconception about true Christianity.
People stumble over the fact that it is nothing they DO that makes them a Christian.
Yes, religion could be considered as a part of Christianity as in James 1:27, but it is not the core belief.

Explanations about this old earth can be found in the Bible, but you won’t find much without the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. You may find that the way to receive the Holy Spirit is simple. Many find it too simple, but this is God’s plan.
His Spirit sees you as who you really are, He can see your heart ( not the blood-pumping organ).

Who bred with who to produce the rest of the human race?
Adam and Even had sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:3-4)

Did God later command who should not be bred with whom ? Yes.
The nature of sin, is to build and build. One sin upon another.
It has been speculated, and I tend to believe it, that the blood line, though tainted,
was not tainted nearly enough to cause the extent of malformation such as we have seen in this day when near of kin lay with one another.

I certainly do not think of you as a bit of a mongrel, but I find your taking bits of other religions to make life good enough is leading you down the path to destruction.
Therefore I will try to persuade you of the hope that lies within me for I wish this love from God to be found by everyone.

Anything I do or anything I ever learn or do will never be good enough according to my God. Only Jesus is enough. This may seem restrictive to many, but it is the only way.
If you are in a building on fire and there is only one path to escape in time, would you say that the escape is to narrow, refuse to take it, and try in vain to find another ?

The stumbling block for everyone is that we think we are strong enough (and proud).
I too was the same as you. I was a sinner that is no different from anyone else.
( This is not saying that I do not sin – this might be a good follow-up question.)
I have no doubt that you are strong enough to “make it” in this life, but your soul will live on forever and will either be with God forever or be separated from God forever in torment. God has put this choice in your hands alone. I cannot decide for you and God will not decide for you. He has given you the freedom to reject Him because that is the only way determine if you love Him for what he has offered you.
If God forces you to love Him, that is not real love.

The fact that you definitely believe there is something more than us somewhere and that we are not the most supreme beings brings comfort to my heart.

The choice is not to “bow down to my laws” or “go to Hell”.
It is most important to understand. I CANNOT follow His laws. No one can, but Jesus.
I do not ATTEMPT to follow His laws because it is mandatory, I do it because I love Him for what He has done for me.

No, the choice is not to “bow down to my laws” or “go to Hell”.
The choice is “allow your sin to be paid for by accepting the free gift of God’s only Son dying on the cross as a substitute for your payment of sin and spend eternity in the presence of God” or “go to Hell, eternally separated from the only love that could save you from it”

This is not religion, but it is your own personal mandatory choice
and no one can make that choice except you.

I hope this answered your question about how the rest of the human race was produced.

Give my regards to your family.

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