But first of all, energy is force in one form or another.
What Smolin suggested is that new universes are derived from the explosion of supermassive black holes within its singularity, which is actually a membrane enclosing a unified field. A part (small volume)of the unified field can split off and expand its space very rapidly. The unified field is 26d and the expansion happens by compactification of first 16d, leaving 10d for the formation of matter, and then a subsequent compaction of 6 of the 10d, resulting in the expansion of 3d space.
It does not explode into space. The explosion creates its own space. It is an explosion of space called inflation in high energy physics.
An interesting property of this process is that the mother universe sacrifices a relatively small amount of mass to the new universe, but the inflation process leads to the creation of a huge amount of mass, enough for a whole new baby universe.
That actually happened in our own big bang. Early on before particles and anti-particles recombined and released light, the mass of the universe was tremendously larger than it now is. But the inflation process forced 3d space to be flat and the particles recombined with the anti-particles until critical mass for a flat universe was achieved.
So in every big bang the number of particles is in a sense over produced and then recombined until a critical density of particles remains. Thereby, a small mass from one universe in the form of a 26d unified field can create another universe containing a much greater total mass.
Smolin reasoned that the creation of baby universes has been going on forever so that now almost every universe in existence is of the type that maximizes the number of surviving black holes, roughly one per galaxy, which strangely is the type required to create life as we know it. |