Hi Bud,
Please forgive my directness, which some here find displeasing (but they don't answer logically)
You wrote:
"....maybe I'm easily confused. The comment was in general, to everyone, but if you're the person posting under two names then maybe you can answer how you managed to do that."
You assumed I am "the person" posting under two names. There could be more than one person, but you assume I am "the person." Unless you can explain how you can be scientifically rigorous while discussing "big bang and dark matter" issues," while being so illogical when addressing me personally,
there would seem little point in discussing precise, technical, nitpicking points of science with you. There have been numerous folks using more than one user name. Presently, to my knowledge, my previous user names don't work.
But they were never a secret. It is odd -- anonymous persons on the list objected strenuoulsly to my having than one user name, though I think some of them were posting with more than one also.
What I can do, if you don't wish to be more careful, is send you to someone who is similarly casual in logical matters. If you get tired of being so casual, You can always come back to me with something, though I doubt you will.
The following two names might be only the tip of the iceberg for a particularly mysterious respondent: