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Posted by Randall Terrell on October 28, 2002 16:55:19 UTC

This is exactly the type of discussion I was hoping for when I posted my question. I knew it would be more time consuming to grind a doublet lens than a mirror. But I was wondering if it was impossbile for a beginner.

I was also asking about lenses because there is so little about lens grinding and so much about mirrors that I wondered if I was crazy.

Price wise it would be easier, faster and cheaper to buy a big dob, but I wouldn't feel that I'd "earned" that much quality. I figure that, as I get into astronomy, I need to learn the basics (i.e. lens grinding) and learn them well, or I'm just some little poser that can point a tube and remember nomenclature. I've got some nice binocs and a 4" dob so I can learn to point straight. Now I really want to understand what I'm doing.

Mind you, lens grinding seems like the perfect hobby for me. A couple of hours every couple of weeks for, oh, I don't know, years perhaps before I get the final product--That pace allows me to do other things, while making steady progress on the lens. Perfect.

I'm gonna have some serious questions about mounting the thing. But that's a ways away, still. I do plan on purchasing all the other equipment that goes with the scope--or have it professionally made. I'm not so daft as to think I can master ALL the techniques that go into scope making, but one would be nice.

Please keep the thread going, I remain interested in any opinions on this.

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