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Going To Make A Telescope - 1st Time

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Posted by William Hurless on November 24, 2001 07:14:24 UTC

I have had many cheap scopes as a child
- walmart --kmart--target- once even a
4in that cost $300 - it was a off brand,
one word -plastic optics-

All I ever saw with it was fuzzy blobs

--I am now 25 and got real board--

Just a few weeks ago I got a Mead 60mm
Refracting telescope from walmart for
$70 - even for a cheap small scope its
OK - but only for like the moon or birds,
things like that, and it even came with
a CCD camera that fits into the eyepice
hole -But with the small size of the scope
its useless at night - It might work with
the moon but stars and planets are not
bright enough

I am aware of the QuickCam stuff and software
for "Off Chip Video Integration" but a small
scope is useless for that stuff

What I want to do is make a 8inch or 6inch
Newtonian telescope for CCD stuff and for
normal use - I want to see jupiter not just a small ball of light-

Ok here is what I figured out so far - My math
skills are real bad - so just bare with me
-Also I can not spend over $350-

Telescope Parts - 8in And were to get them + math

8-inch X f/6 = 48 Focal Length 48 inch

Expand-O-Cell - 8"...... $32.95

8" F/6 Mirror -used- $125

50mm m.a. Secondary $18.95
50mm Secondary Mirror Holder with spider $18.00
1¼" Newtonian Focuser $59.95

10 inch Cardboard Concrete tube 48 inch long
Telescope Parts - 6in And were to get them +math

6-inch X f/8 = 48 Focal Length 48 inch

Expand-O-Cell - 6" ......$28.95

6" f/8 Parabolic Mirror $99.95
31mm m.a. Secondary Mirror $15.95
31mm Secondary Mirror s/Spider $15.00
1¼" Newtonian Focuser $59.95

8 inch Cardboard Concrete tube 48 inch long

As far as a mount just you run of the mill mount
made from ply wood, like the one here

any problems ???
I need to know before I buy any thing

I want to reuse the old eyepices from the
meade telescope - they have glass optics
and metal shafts on them - but any advice
on them also

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