Some say that our ideas must conform to their ideas of "God" in order for pleasant results.
Aside from that, we have serious problems
in life support which loom. The following
is a prescription that does not proceed from
any religion, but I AM respectfully submitting
this in the name of God the Creator.
* * * *
Year 2050
A Reasonably Pleasant Scenario
-- and a little bit on how we arrived in pleasantness rather than in planetary cataclysm:
World Population 5.5 Billion Humans
Achieved through Major Reduction of Birth Rates
Every Neighborhood has Culture...and Agriculture!
Nearly Everyone Studies Something to become a blessing in their community. Most Folks know the names and needs of plants, insects, birds...
Conversations are Careful and Comprehensive when Serious, and Light and Cheerful when Not Serious.
Religion serves to elevate character through the finest methods and graces. Tradition is considered beautiful, but nobody insists it is highly functional if it is not.
Science is still searching for better Theories
and is making good progress. A large part of the population has adopted the cautious tone of science as their way of talking about issues, even personal ones.
"Optimums" , defined as "very highly effective, highly enjoyed" are available to most folks in food, shelter, architecture, education and entertainment. The main cause of severe suffering is unavoidable and strong poignancy ... the emotion which reputedly motivated God to create Intelligent Life.
"Optimums" are being extended to other life forms which appear able to appreciate them.
Architecture and building trades seize every chance to do their best possible work, and the money is available to enable them.
If we don't imagine a sustainable future, I doubt if we're going to have one.